Recipe using Sambal Nasi Lemak Paste

Cooking Time

Ready to eat

Serving Time

5 Minutes

Serving Size

6-8 Persons

What You Will Need

200 gram

Cheffaro® Sambal Nasi Lemak Paste

Cook with

Cooked it with anything you like for a more enhanced flavor! (eggs / squid / prawn / chicken / meat)

Eat with

Any dish of your choice! Nasi lemak, bihun goreng, mee goreng.

Malaysia’s favourite dish. Ready to eat sambal and hassle free!

How To Make It

We cook
Using the same fresh ingredients as your favourite
nasi lemak stall.

You heat

By using a microwave or pan.

Ready to eat and hassle free! Enjoy the taste of traditional Malaysian cooking, without spending hours in the kitchen.

Recipes for This Paste

Nasi Lemak

Sambal Stuffed Cencaru

Sambal Fried Rice

Spaghetti Sambal

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